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If a married man loves another woman than his wife, he can prove it by divorcing his wife and marrying this other woman.

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Q: If a Married man loves other woman how does he prove it?
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ANSWER:Could it be that he loves this woman even she isn't his wife? There are some married man who do fall in love with another woman, and the man I married was one of them.

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ye he should be a player ANSWER: No it's not proper, because his married. If this married man say he likes his woman friend it will be different, because after all they are friends and his wife knows. Over all it is wrong and it will bring them in a relationship like the man I married. He told me that affairs is only when the married man and other woman slept together.....

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He either tells you he loves you or by the way he treats you do you feel lovedmen and women show emotions in different ways a woman can verbalize and will make love to you

What does it mean if a married woman says that she loves me but wants to maintain relations with dignity?

Usually.... it means she is lying to you.

How can you prove an unlawful marriage for citizenship?

The only way you can prove someone married for citizenship is by knowing facts personally. My boyfriend married a woman when we were not together and then him and I had a child together. I did not find out until after the child that he was married. He and I had been on and off in relationship to one another for several years. I was angered and knew many facts and wanted to get the woman deported.

Why do a married man falls for the other woman his having an affair with and still stay with his wife?

He probably still loves his wife. the fact that he has had a relationship with another woman does not mean he does not love his wife and family. That is a idea implanted in our society by religion.

Is Matthew Joseph Korklan married?

No He's not a married man don't he will be we just have to give it some time and he will find a woman that's loves what he loves! Good Luck to you Matthew love! (why can't i be old enough to date him???? WHY!?!?!?!) :(