Depends on which one you have with a bore convertor possibly and some can take a standard size shotgun round
Starter pistol.
The starter's pistol.
The gun used in running races is called a starter's pistol.
No. A starter pistol does not use bullets. It uses blank rounds, which explode and make the noise, just like a regular gun, but no projectile comes out.
It is not a real gun you idiot learn your guns
Gun shop, pawn shop. Values for starter pistols are typically very low.
Realistically, you don't even attempt to.
Gun Shops and if a sporting goods store sells starter pistols they will most likely sell blanks. There are 22 blanks that are used to drive nails into concrete. They come different power levels and should work for blanks in a starter pistol. Any lumber supply should carry them.
No, It is a type of gun
It's better known as a BB Gun. A BB gun is similar to a real firearm except it uses compressed air instead of gun powder.
U.S. Pistol Company DID make a 7 shot smoothbore revolver, but it was not a starter pistol (blank gun). It fired live .22 ammunition.Do not confuse w/ US Revolver Co. (1910-1935) which was a trade name of Iver Johnson's.US Pistol Co was an entirely different firm and was owned by Otis A. Smith. The company was out of the gun business by 1899 (switching to tools) The guns were designed for low pressure Black Powder cartridges only.