Yes, bears have been taken down with much less powerful firearms, but the SKS is not a real good choice for this as it is relatively low power and only a medium caliber.
Take it to a gunsmith and ask for help.
No. PA does not require gun registration- and the SKS is not an assault rifle- it is a semi auto rifle with a fixed magazine.
One can purchase an SKS rifle from a variety of locations. These include a good hunting store, a rifle store, and some of the larger supermarkets such as Walmart.
Value of Rifle by Norinco SKS 7.62x39 with and without wood stock?
I needed a manual for braking down a SKS rifle. All I did was type SKS rifle manual in my google search engine and it came right up. You may want to try the same thing but use the manufacturer of the rifle.. Example Winchester rifle manual. If this doesn't work try different variations. Good Luck. Bill
romanian serial number 1841899n sks rifle what year is this rifle
18, just like any other rifle.
The SKS isn't an assault rifle, and the value may range from $100 to over $1000, depending on specifics.
No mods are needed to take the other mags,just tear the rifle down,when you do this the stock 10 round mag will fall out! then put it back together and your new mag will fit but, keep in mind the sks is not made to have detach mag!
Take it to a gunsmith and ask for help
Plenty available.