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Not necessesarily. However, it can be possible. If you had intercourse aoround the time you ovulated, it could be possible. If in doubt take a HPT.

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Q: Can a short period mean your might be pregnant?
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What does it mean when you have a short period?

It could mean you're pregnant

Is it normal for a woman not to see a period?

It is it might mean that you are pregnant!

Does stomach pains mean a girl is pregnant?

No, but it might mean that she has a stomach virus, or she is starting her period.

Does it mean im pregnant if period was only 3 days short and lighter than usual?

If you have your period, even a light one, you can not be pregnant. It is normal to experience variations in your period on occasion.

Trying to get pregnant but you got your period does this mean you are pregnant?

While menstruation might co-occur during early pregnancy, it is very rare. So you should consider that if you do have your period, you are not pregnant.

Im am 4 days late for my period am i pregnant?

A late period dosent always mean you are pregnant, You could just have a late peroid. But you might want to check.

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if your period comes on early does that mean that you are not pregnant?

What does it mean if you had a short period and you now have stomach pains?

You are not pregnant. The pains could be caused by something you ate, etc.

You are one month late for your period and you are currently experiencing moderate brownish spotting What does this mean?

you might be pregnant

Does it mean that you are not pregnant if you have your period?

No that person is not pregnant.

My period only lasted 12 - 15 hours what could this mean?

Well it could be that you are pregnant, so take a test. But you could just have had a short period

Does a late and short period mean you're pregnant?

It can by a symptom, but it could also mean you just had a short period this month. Take a home test or go see a doctor if you aren't sure.