Sometimes. So if you really think ur pregnant then wait until the UTI is out of your sysytem and take a test.
No. Pregnancy is a biological issue, and no matter what you think (positive or negative), it will not effect the pregnancy test.
No. The pregnancy test is only effected by hCG (the pregnancy hormone).
No,anti biotics and or birthcontrol do not effect results of a pregnancy test.
No, neither UTI nor antibiotics affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test.
A positive result on a pregnancy test could be affected by factors such as using an expired or faulty test, testing too early in the pregnancy when hormone levels are low, certain medications that interfere with hormone levels, or an evaporation line that may appear if the test is read after the recommended time window.
Azithromycin won't affect a pregnancy test; pregnancy tests are dependant on hormone levels and azithromycin antibiotic doesn't affect hormone levels.
Consuming THC does not impact the accuracy of pregnancy test results.
Vaginal bleeding does not affect a pregnancy test.
presentation of symptoms, a positive pregnancy test, and detection of a pregnancy outside of the uterus by means of ultrasonography