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There are a few reasons for faint lines on an at-home pregnancy test. You could have taken the test too soon, your urine was diluted, you were using a sensitive test, or you experienced a chemical pregnancy. To ensure better clarity my suggestion is to buy a more expensive test that clearly reads "pregnant" or "not pregnant" or you could buy some other form of a digital test. That will help with any confusion that might occur with pregnancy tests that require you to read lines or dots that may appear faint.

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What does one bold line and one very light line mean on a pregnancy test?

a faint second line is still a second line which means pregnant. take another test and if it is positive go to a doctor

What does it mean when there is a dark vertical line and a faint horizontal line in the round window on an ept test?

According to most pregnancy tests, a second faint line does indeed mean that you are pregnant. The second line only shows up if the pregnancy hormone is in your urine. So if it is there at all, then you are pregnant. If you take the test early, like before your missed period, this may be why the line is faint. Wait until after your missed period and repeat the test to be completely sure of the accuracy.

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sometimes they can be misunderstood. Take another one

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My positive line on my test was very faint. You probably are pregnant. You might consider retesting.

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It means your pregnant

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your pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What does it mean if you get a faint line on a pregnancy test?

If it is a faint pink line then it means you are pregnant. If it is a faint grey line then it is what is called an evaporation line and you are not pregnant. If you are unsure wait a couple of days and take another test. You might also try a digital test. There is no mistaking that one!

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If you see a faint pink line that came up within the time frame for the test than it is not a negative test.

What does a faint negative line mean on a equate pregnancy test?

If the negative line is faint it could mean that ur pregnant and its just too early to tell or it could mean that it was just that test. Either way i would retest in at least a day or two.

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Beta hcg level is 5.3 what does mean?"

Faint Second Line on HPT does this mean it is positive for pregnancy?

Yes it most likey means you are pregnant it is best if you go to a doctor though to find out if it was a false positive or if you really are pregnant.

What does it mean if you took a pregnancy test the day before your next period should start and it came out negative but the line was very faint like almost not there?

How can it be negative if there was a faint line. my period was a day late with a very faint line and im definitely pregnant u have very low HCG in ur urine at the time ur period is due if u are pregnant that's y the line is faint. Congradulations