Federal law provides that a peace officer can carry a firearm in any state, and retired peace officers that meet certain requirements (mainly weapons qualification) may do so as well. NYC is trying not to comply with the Federal alw on this.
The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (Federal law) does NOT permit carrying a firearm on school grounds if it is prohibited by state law.
Authorized Federal Agents can carry a firearm on a flight. Others must pack their weapons in their baggage.
Yes, under the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA), retired federal law enforcement officers are generally allowed to carry a concealed weapon nationwide as long as they meet certain criteria, such as completing an annual firearms qualification and not being prohibited from possessing a firearm.
Yes, subject to State and Federal law.
No. If you are buying a firearm from a dealer, this check is regulated by Federal law. A permit to carry (usually to carry a concealed firearm) is regulated by State law. That process varies from state to state.
No- nor can a felon possess a firearm in any state. Federal law.
(in the US) Retired law enforcement officers may apply to carry concealed weapons in one of two ways. They may, just like any other citizen, either apply for a carry permit under the provisions of their state's CCW Law, - OR - they may apply (under provisions of Federal Law) to carry a firearm after being certified by their former department or agency's rules. Depending on your state's CCW law, an individual state may waive the requirement for a retired officer to attend class, but under the federal law, they must qualify as per the regulation.
can you carry a firearm in ct hostpital
No, nor in any other state. A felon is barred by Federal law from possessing a firearm.
The short answer is that they don't. Theoretically, it is possible - there is a mechanism for relief of disability in place at the federal level. However, it simply is not tended to.
A felon is no longer allowed to legally carry a firearm.