No. If you are not pregnant--or it hasn't been confirmed by a doctor--you probably weren't pregnant to begin with.
No , but a negative test can be a false positive .
A pregnancy test can NOT be reused and it will not show a accurate answer.
No, they cannot. The result of some operations on positive numbers can be negative.
Then you turn thirteen in three months.
the very first number is negative. turn that one to the negative underneath it. then turn that on to a negative 2. finally turn that one to the positive 2 then turn
For seven months if you have been experiencing movements in your stomach and you watch it turn at night, you could be pregnant. Get a blood pregnancy test at your doctor and have them do an ultrasound.
It will turn into A negative number.
No, semen should not affect the result of a pregnancy test. Pregnancy tests detect the presence of the hCG hormone in urine, which is produced by the placenta in response to a fertilized egg implanting in the uterus. Semen does not interfere with this process.
There may be a chance, you should have a follow-up ultrasound if the pregnancy is IN your uterus. If it's an abdominal or ectopic(tubal) then the answer is no.
You do nothing. A negative number is a whole number.