Well they can eat nuked food in the microwave but not the kind of nuclear bomb. To nuke something means to cook food in the microwave.
Nuke BoostingIt is when two buddies go into Free-For-All, find a secluded part of the map, and has one person lay down Tactical Insertions, so the other person can kill that person, using silenced weapons, enough times so that they can get a nuke. It can get you banned, so don't do it, please. theres already enough nuke boosters out there. If you boost, the Booster Hunters (me being one of them) will find you and ban you.
A tactical nuke in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is an unlock able killstreak reward. It is acquired at a 25 killstreak, making it the hardest killstreak reward to earn. Once the nuke is activated there will be a 10 second countdown timer in the top left of the screen. As the nuke explodes everything goes white and everyone in the game is killed including the person who called in the nuke and his teammates.
Atomic energy Nuclear power Nuclear fission Radioactive decay Nuclear reaction Nuclear fuel Nuclear reactor Nuclear waste Nuclear radiation Nuclear meltdown Nuclear physics Uranium enrichment Radioactive contamination Nuclear safety Nuclear proliferation
itis an extended nuke
NOTHING can survive a nuke.
Yes, Contrary to popular believe, Cheat-engine can cause death or injury to the person by nuke, arrest, or explosion.
1. Can stay under water forever. Non-nuke subs had to surface to re-charge their systems. 2. Cleaner air to breath, better food to eat, more space to move around in. 3. Can go deeper than a non-nuke sub. 4. Can go faster than a non-nuke sub. 5. Are quieter than a non-nuke sub. 6. Carry deadlier weapons than a non-nuke sub.
you can't get a nuke in black ops
Dad's Nuke was created in 1986.
Nuke is a slang term for nuclear.
The USA built the first nuke.
You can't nuke anymore.