It Depends who they cheated on and with who. If the person doesn't really like you then they'll cheat.
ANSWER: In my own opinion it depends on how deep the spouse is with the other person. But I do know most of men who do the cheating will try not to tell the truth so it will not put them in a deep trouble with his wife and children. And this include the man that I trusted and now divorce him.
not honest. Deception, not being able to be trusted. Lying, cheating, etc.
ANSWER:Quite simple, by doing the right thing. Habits can be defeated if we want it to. It also can help to make a good person towards others when no one trusted you. That is all you can do.
A person who can't be trusted is called untrustworthy or unreliable.
Sometimes it is difficult to tell when someone is cheating on you. Sometimes friends may tell you or, signs of cheating may be breaking dates; working late often; not answer your calls; someone phoning and hanging up; your mate may be communicating with someone else on the Internet on a chat forum. If you can prove that the person is cheating it's heart-breaking because you trusted them and once trust is broken it is difficult for that person to earn it back again.
cheating is when you do the thing that you do with you babe or mate with another person
Are you the person they were cheating or was it someone else? If someone was cheating you, I would say I didn't want to be their girlfriend (or boyfriend if you are a guy) anymore and that I saw them cheating. If it is someone else that was being cheated, I would tell the person who is being cheated and tell the person what I saw the person do.
it depends are you going out with the person you kissed.if you are then you are cheating on your boyfriend/girlfriend.
If you know that person is cheating and you do not speak up and give them good advice that they should be honest with the mate they are with and that cheating is hurtful; cheap and eventually they will be caught and that will be the end of the relationship with their mate then you are enabling this person to go on cheating. Going out with them so they can meet with the person they are cheating with; perhaps being in the club where the person is meeting the person they are cheating with and they bring you along then you are initiating the cheating. If they do not listen to your advice then tell them you strongly disagree with them cheating and walk away until they come to their senses and then consider continuing on with the friendship you have with them.
A person who can be trusted is often referred to as reliable or trustworthy.
ANSWER: Absolutely, if a person is not cheating nor seeing another person, there's nothing to lie about. But cheating on your spouse and he or she doesn't know you are betraying your partner that will be lying because your keeping secret.
Legal, but pretty dumb. He obviously can't be trusted; he's cheating on his wife.