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Yes, but I'm still trying to figure out which tattoo shops will do it. Some tattoo artists think it's unethical to tattoo minors regardless of law.

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Q: Can a minor get a tattoo with parental consent in Virginia?
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Can minor get a tattoo with parental consent in California?

No, you must be be 18 to get a tattoo in California, even with parental consent.

Can you have parental consent for a minor to get a tattoo in ga?

no i can't

Can a minor get a tattoo with parent consent in Oregon?

not true, you have to be 18 without parental consent. if you are a minor in Oregon with parental consent you can get one done. Nowhere. Tattooing minors is illegal in Oregon, even with parental consent. You cant get a tattoo in Oregon as a minor even with parent consent it is still illegal in Oregon

What is the legal tattoo age in Washington state with parental consent?

As far as my research has shown me, it is not legal to tattoo a minor with or without parental consent. As far as my research has shown me, it is not legal to tattoo a minor with or without parental consent.

Age to get a tattoo in France?

there is not a legal age to get a tattoo but need parental consent if you are a minor

How old do you have to be to get a tattoo in wv?

Tattooing required in West Virginia requires one to be at least 18. With parental consent, a minor can get a tattoo. The tattoo shop has to retain the records for at least 5 years.

Can a minor get a tattoo with parent consent in Oklahoma?

No, Any one found giving a minor a tattoo can and will be fined $5,000. Oklahoma's neighboring state, Arkansas, on the other hand allows minors to get a tattoo with parental consent.

What is the legal age in Florida to get a tattoo with parent consent?

The legal age in Florida to get a tattoo with parental consent is 16. A parent or legal guardian must be present and provide written consent for the minor to receive a tattoo.

Does Virginia require that you have parental consent of emancipation at age 16?

In the state of Virginia does a minor of the age 16 need parental consent to be emancipated to her boyfriend who has been together for 2 years.

Get a tattoo without parental consent?

not legally if your a minor. the only way possible i know is if you have connections to artists

Can a 17 year old in Virginia get emancipation with out parental consent?

No, in Virginia, a minor cannot get emancipated without parental consent. Emancipation requires parental consent or approval from a court after a formal petition is filed and reviewed.

Legal age for Body piercing in New Hampshire with parental consent?

I am not sure about the law in Massachuttes, but here in Washington state, a minor cannot get a tattoo with or without parental permission. A minor can get body piercings with parental consent, but not a tattoo. Be aware that accreditated tattoo shops follow this law, no exceptions.