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Q: Can a maverick 88 shoot a slug?
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Can you shoot slugs with maverick 88?

yes u can .the maverick 88 has a full chock barrel.

Can a Nerf maverick shoot whistler darts?

The NERF Maverick can indeed shoot whistler darts.

H plus R topper model 88 12ga3modsingle shot can I shoot slug's with this gun?

I would not do it if it is choked more than Modified.

Can you shoot a standard slug threw a modified and or improved?

Can you shoot a standard slug threw a modified and or improved?

How do you disassemble a Maverick 88 shotgun?

Basically like the Mossberg 500. You can find disassembly instructions for the 500 on YouTube, and they will work for your Maverick 88.

Where is the serial number located on a Maverick Model 88?

The serial number on my Maverick 88 is on the left side of the firearm, above the trigger and in front of the stock

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Can you shoot a slug in a 28ga with full choke barrel?

A rifled slug- yes.

Can you shoot a smooth bore slug through a rifled barrel?

Shooting rifled slugs is the ONLY way to shoot thru a smoothbore for deer. If you shoot sabot slugs thru a smoothbore, it will not spin and therefore not be accurate. For accuracy, the slug must spin out of the barrel. Either shoot a rifled slug thru a smooth barrel, or shoot a saboted slug thru a rifled barrel.

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Can a mossberg model 88 shoot slugs out of a stock barrel?

The mossberg Model 88 maverick can definitely shoot slugs and with fair accuracy too with the un-rifled stock barrel. Try the Winchester Super X 2 1/2 inch 1 oz. But hang on to it or it will hurt you. The recoil is roughly doubled.

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