Under normal clothing-YES ......It has been estimated that 1 in 25 men do, or are still wearing womens lingerie under their ordinary mens clothing. Noone can prove this, but statistically it is very likely to be a fact. Most men have secretly tried on womens under -garments at some time during their lives. Here again it is hard to prove but if you read and talk to men it does appear to be true.
Womens underclothes are so much more sexy and interesting than mens boring and colourless garb. For the feminine man....that is to say a hetrosexual man with a feminine streak, then ladies underwear becomes just another garment. A garment though, that has a beautiful soft feel and is luxurious against the skin. Wearing female lingerie DOES NOT NECESSARILLY mean that the man is homosexual. I would be willing to bet that a majority who 'do it' are just ordinary blokes with wives and girlfriends. CONVENTION condemns it though. That's why its done in secret! Doubtless some men ARE gay and do it too!
Who cares what a guy wears anyway?
Annon 2009
Yes, a guy can wear a bra, but the question you should be asking is should a guy wear a bra? Probably not because some people might consider it strange (unless you're an awesome person and you don't care what other people think about you). If you need to wear a bra for a certain reason (ie. medical, or it makes you look better) then wear it, just make sure that it's not seen under your shirt because some people get really suspicious and others will tease you about it. My advice: guys should stick to wearing undershirts.
Guys should never wear Bras or alternatives that are marketed towards men. Instead, they should work out and eat healthy so that they don't have a need for a man-bra.
yes man wear that
a man should always wear a bra because their very comfortable.
it isn't illegal
sure...if you have clothes over them.
I wouldn't recommend; it depends on your style.
no, but if your going in public, you should wear a bra,
Yes, yes they can.
Now this is one of the world's dumb questions if ever there wes one. No woman is required to wear a bra in public. Gee gads, there are no bra laws in this country. Flat, full, floppy, or fake, there are no bra laws.
Not really. It's better if you don't wear it when you sleep or if you're not going out in public.
your choice. if you do wear a bra, wear a sports bra
No. That's impossible
She has not been shown to wear a bra.