Well, it depends on what you meant by (healthy diet). If you meant healthy food and an appropriate number of calories for your current weight and length, then the answer is YES. You can't keep your weight constant if you're not watching your calorie intake even if you are eating healthy food.
Physical Activity and a healthy diet.
Healthy foods that are good to eat after ending a diet include fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. Another way to prevent weight gain from creeping back up is to increase your daily activity.
You can gain weight from any food if you do not eat a healthy diet and exercise to keep your weight in check.
You can Gain Weight through proper diet and exercise everyday. Proper diet plays an important role in gaining weight. please check the below link for information about proper weight gain diet. lifetimebodyfitness.online/2020/07/diet-for-weight-gain.html
No, a crash diet is never a healthy way of losing weight, it is extremly un healthy, and you will gain the weight back right away if you lose it too quickly.
There are two different routes to gain weight - healthy and unhealthy. The healthy approach to weight gain would be to eat natural foods high in protein, carbohydrates and fat. The unhealthy way to gain weight, would be to eat lots of convenient and/or processed foods.
A good balanced diet and plenty of exercise. weight gain in muscle is far more attractive and healthy then weight gain in fat.
Adding calories to your diet will help you to gain weight, but it will not necessarily be a healthy way to do it. It depends on the foods you eat. If you eat junk foods that have a lot of refined sugar and other unhealthy ingredients, it will not be healthy. Eating a balanced diet of healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables, meats, grains, etc., but eating more is a healthy way to gain weight. Getting exercise daily is also healthy.
Do liquid diet usually supply the body with all of its nutritional needs
Your body may be in starvation mode. You may gain less weight by eating a healthy diet.
A healthy diet would be one in which you would lose about 1-2 pounds a week. Any more than than, and your diet is probably a crash diet, in which you could gain back your weight as quickly as you lost it, and may gain more too. Here is an article that will help you build a healthy diet: http://www.helpguide.org/life/healthy_eating_diet.htm
The only quick and healthy way i know because i ve used it is Gorite Diet. Try it, i hope my answer help.?