a plastic surgeon can take a guys penis and turn it inside out and put it into his body to make it kinda like a vagina and give the guy hormones in pills to change the guys voice, and give him fake breasts, but hell never be able to get pregnant.
as long as you show the guy that u like him then its a turn on
yes very much
Maybe the girl doesn't find the guy attractive(physical appearance, wardrobe, hairstyle etc) or maybe the guy insulted the girl
You will turn into a pig if you are a guy if you are a girl you will turn into a fairy and then you will blow up and turn into a retard..So eat vegies... :)
Nope. The guy's probably checking the girl out in those three minutes. I mean, what else can he be looking at a girl for such a long period?
It depends on sexual orientation, but usually, yes. A guy turns a girl on and a girl turns a guy on. If you like the person, flirt with them. Maybe sneak in a kiss or too. Hang out a lot, then ask them out.
Yes. He might like the girl and be interested in her.
Every teen girl has their own turn on spots. Some turn on spots that most girls have is in between their legs above their knees. If a guy just rubs it lightly it turns a girl on. Some girls also like it when a guy lightly rubs their arms or legs or even their thighs.
You know when a guy gets turned on when a girl flirts with you. If your a boy or a girl but boys love it when girls flirt with them.
Yes Absolutely! That's what he wants!
There is a major glitch where you can turn into a boy or girl if you trade with a friend and you reset or turn of the game during saving but you need a Pokemon with sweet scent to use it in the Pokemon center after performing the glitch and your a guy or girl. No feminized ticket exists.