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If you WANT TO DATE A GUY IN 8TH GRADE GO RIGHT AHEAD I MEAN IM TRYING TO GET A BOY FRIEND RIGHT NOW BUT I CANT FIND THE RIGHT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO I AM TRYING AND TRYING BUT ONE CAUGHT MY EYE!!!!!!!!! WERE NOT DATING RIGHT NOW BUT IM WAITTING 4 HIM TO ASK ME OUT! .•.That's though. Sure a girl can do that, but getting to that point is VERY difficult. When you are still in that age range it's not usual to go out with people who are much younger/older than you. So if you really want to do that, be prepared to be rejected. IF YOU CAN ASK HIM OUT, AND IF THERE IS NO UNCONFORTABILITY GO FOR IT!.•. - NeedAdviceNow TEEN

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13y ago
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11mo ago

It is not recommended for a girl in 6th grade to date a guy in 8th grade due to the difference in maturity levels and life experiences between the two age groups. It is important for individuals to date within their age range to ensure healthy and appropriate relationships.

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14y ago

Do you feel your ready to have a boyfriend? Then its OK! But don't go around boy-huntin, just for someone to hold hands with at the football games. If a guy your falling head over heels for likes you back, you could consider dating him.

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13y ago

Well I'm in 7th grade and i really don't think kids at the age of 12-13 should be dating until they are 18 and over cause there is this 1 girl in my class ans she is Really flirty with the guys in the 7th grade and not to sound mean to her but she is kinda of a you know what.

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Q: Can a girl in 6th grade date a guy in eighth grade?
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How do you get a date with a girl in 6th grade?

you hav to ask her out dar

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no chance, buddy. i am a sixth grade girl and there is no way I would date a nine or ten year old boy. sorry.

How do you get an eighth grader to like you when your only in 6th grade?

No offense, but most likely you are not gonna get an 8th grader if you are in 6th grade. Try 6th grade. And stick with 6th grade. I disagree with this person. You dhould just be yourself and be nice, and follow your heart.

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yes i have had a eighth grade boyfriend before but now im dating a 15 year old

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get over it. your in the 6th grade for crying our loud.

How do you kiss a girl you see for the first time in 6th grade but you can't date?

Just kiss her it's not that hard she'll love it.

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Well, my first kiss was in 6th grade and what you need to do is get to know the girl, talk to her a lot and be funny. Then ask her out and on the 3rd date make your move.

How do you get an eighth grade boyfriend in 6th grade?

No, I'm sorry. Back when I was in 6th grade I wished it was true. Only boys can have girlfreinds in 7th and 8th grade, you have to wait till your in 7th or 8th grade to have a boyfiend 2 to 3 years older.

Is it normal to date a girl a grade lower than you in middle school?

yes it is totally ok if shes in 6th and ur in 7th it is fine

Would mindless behavior date 6th grade?


What grade are you in when your 8 years old?

If the boy/girl started school late, 4th grade If the boy/girl started school early, 6th grade If the boy/girl started school on time, 5th grade