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Q: Can a girl get pregnant while on here period?
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I think i might be pregnant.. i had my period which started on the aug 6th and i was off by the 9th but here is it the 29th and i started my period..and about a week in a half ago i was spotting...?

Nope. When you have a period it means you aren't pregnant. Only in very rare incidents have there been women who bleed while pregnant.

If a girl had a sex at a early age and never had her period can she get pregnant when she begins her first period?

No, And here is why. When you have your period it means you finally are old enough to use the eggs in you're body. But before you have your period, You can't use your eggs.

What does the period looks like whiles pregnant?

you are not supposed to have a period while pregnant. Most women do NOT get their period when pregnant. Some may have slight bleeding here and there. It will be red. I have heard of quite a few woman who do indeed experience a kind of period in their first trimester and some who have had periods all the way through. So, don't listen to the first answer.

Why do some women get their periods while being pregnant?

It isn't a period, here is a useful article:,1510,6004,00.html

What if your period never came back on after sex it was spotting here and there but not a period?

you might be pregnant

Can you get you period while your pregnant?

yes you can it is definatally possiblw if you think your pregnant i suggest taking a test asap no, i am sure of this because my sister is now pregnant and she is always teasing me because she doesnt have any

When a boy and a girl give lip kiss the girl will get pregnant?

Pay attention during sx education. If you havenโ€™t had sx education, then your too young to be here

Can woman be pregnant when they have period?

Actually, a woman can have her period while she's pregnant. It's not common and should be looked at by a doctor. My boss had her period while she was pregnant, but it wasn't heavy. It was light spotting and her baby turned out just fine.

You have dated a girl from Mexico for a while and you found out she is now pregnant She has her passport and tourist visa 6 month can she come here to visit and then you get married?

Not legally without authority approval

What if your period comes on and you is pregnant but you did'nt know you was pregnant what will happen?

Firstly I will say: I'm a guy but I will try to reassure you with the knowledge i know. if a female is pregnant she will not have here period (from what I know) and i have never heard of a case were a female would have her period when she is pregnant, the reason for this is because it is a common sign to check if you are pregnant. so my answer for you would be : that wouldn't happen

When 3 months into pregnancy can a woman continue to have her period?

Type your answer here... yes it happened to me. I was 10 weeks pregnant ad having my period.

My period was a week late an now im bleeding light with cramps and im not sure if its implantation or period and i had unprotected sex a month ago but had my period right after can i be pregnant?

same here i had unprotected sex 6days ago and 1day later im on my period that weird shouldn't i be pregnant not on my period..??