Actually, a woman can have her period while she's pregnant. It's not common and should be looked at by a doctor. My boss had her period while she was pregnant, but it wasn't heavy. It was light spotting and her baby turned out just fine.
Yes, she can. This is because a woman's cycle is unpredictable. Sometimes a woman is capable of releasing an egg during her menstrual cycle, because of this it is suggested that you use a condom or other means of Birth Control.
If she gets her period, then she isn't pregnant. If you have sex while she is on her period then there is a chance she will get pregnant.
If a woman does not have a period she cannot get pregnant.
A woman can get pregnant before, during and after her period.
If a woman does not have a period she cannot get pregnant.
u don't get your next period if ur pregnant
Yes, it is possible for a woman to get pregnant on her period. Remember, sperm can live for 3-5 days in the woman.
The best way to get a woman pregnant is right after her period. A woman is most fertile during this period. Her eggs are ready to be fertilized.
If a woman gets her period it is unlikely that she is pregnant
A Period is a cycle for woman to reproduce a brand new egg for fertilization of sperm. The Answer is No, that is a main sign that a woman can be pregnant is if she misses a period.
no....well at least she shouldn't.