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Yes, a woman can get pregnant directly after her period. Unless you want to get pregnant you should always use Birth Control.

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Q: Can a girl get pregnant right after her period is finished?
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Related questions

Is a girl pregnant if she skips her period?

That alone is not a confirmation of being pregnant. A girl may skip her period for too many reasons. But yes a pregnant girl does miss her period.

If the girl is pregnant when will she mis her period?

When you're pregnant, you don't have a period.

You had protected sex a month and 2 weeks ago. Can the girl already be a month and a week pregnant?

Well it depends when she started her period and when she ovulated. If she had finished her period is week before you had sex then yes it is very possible she coudl be pregnant.

Can a girl who has not stated her period get pregnant?

Getting pregnant is related to ovulation. Because a girl can ovulate before having her first period, it is possible to become pregnant before beginning to menstruate. Any time a girl has sex,she can potentially get pregnant.

Can a girl have her period when shes pregnant?

its rear to have your period while your pregnant but its very possible.

When a girl is on her period can she get pregnant?


Can a girl get pregnant not having her period in two months?

A girl won't get pregnant from not having her period; she may get pregnant from having sexual intercourse. However, the lack of the period may be an indication of pregnancy (but not the cause).

Can a girl get a girl pregnant during her period?

Yeah. It happened to me.

Can a girl get pregnant when they have their period?

yes a girl can get pregnant when she has her period...thats how majority of persons who cannot conceive succeed by having sex on their "day" .

Is it possible for a girl to have her period when she's pregnant?


Can a girl be pregnant and still have her period?


Can a girl miss her period with out being pregnant?
