probably a girl knows when shes pregnant she can just feel it
That's the only way a girl can get pregnant...
Yes it is possible for a woman to still bleed fromher period even if pregnant. This may happen one to two times after fertilization.
not without parents consent. the parent is still responsible for the girl regardless if shes pregnant or not.
yes she can because ive had it roughly and im only 11 and i enjoyed cause there was alot of screaming but watch now shes pregnant and shes 11 to.
not neccesarily ========================== If you miss your period you may or may not be pregnant. Get a home pregnancy test at the drugstore.
yes and shes my girl frind
she is probably on her period
That alone is not a confirmation of being pregnant. A girl may skip her period for too many reasons. But yes a pregnant girl does miss her period.
that she wants you to think shes pregnant.
if you mean bledin as in period then no shes not, but if it was just light spotting then yes it is possible.
When you're pregnant, you don't have a period.