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Hello. Yes it is possible. There are two types of blood test. Quantitative and Qualiative. The quantitative measures the amount of HCG in your blood. This test is highly accurate. The qualiative is the test that can give incorrect results. With this test it only gives you a Yes or No answer. For example it will give a yes on 50MIU of HCG but a negative on lower than this. And if you have 49MIU HCG in you it will still say negative even though this is positive. Anything over 5MIU is positive. I would have the quantitative beta hcg blood test. Good luck and please recommend me if I have helped you.

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Q: Can a blood test say you are not pregnant when you are?
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Can a blood test tell you if you are pregnant?

Yes a blood test can tell you you are pregnant. That's why to make sure someone is pregnant the go to the doctors and take a blood test for pregnancy.Yes

You have done 4 test 2 say pregnant and 2 say im not?

The only way to really settle this one is to see your doctor and have a blood test.

Is it 100 percent sure that a blood test can say your pregnant?

I have tested positive with blood that am pregnant but scan says there no pregnancy. i don't know whether it is some kind of sickness.

If your pregnant and you get a blood test exactly what does the blood test show to conclude your pregnant?

It shows a high amount of a certain hormone

Can you be pregnant if you had 4 neg home preg tests and 1 doctor that said you are not pregnant based on a blood and urine test and one doctor that said inconclusive based on a urine test?

As you had a blood test, you are definitely not pregnant. The blood test is 100% accurate.

What test tells you how many weeks pregnant you are?

a blood test tells you how many weeks you are when you are pregnant.

You feel pregnant but the tests say no and you have PCOS?

Well it is possible for you to be pregnant and have PCOS, and there is also a posiblity of a false negative. If you think that you are pregnant, you should get a blood test to be absolutely certain.

If your pregnant with a blood test prove it?


I had my period on 24 Nov 2009. I did a blood test and it was negative. I also did a home pregnancy test and it came out negative. Could I be pregnant?

If you have had a negative blood test, it is very unlikely that you are pregnant

When is the best time to do a blood test to determine if you are pregnant?

as soon as you think you are pregnant.

Can you be pregnant even if a pregnitcy test and a blood test comes out negative?


How does a doctor tell if you are pregnant?

They do a blood or urine test to find the hormones that indicate you are pregnant