No, but the Soldier is to immediately be sent for a medical evaluation
Being underweight is bad...... (Said no man ever)
They won't be permitted to reenlist. When someone is barred, they're typically flagged for all favourable actions, as well. This flag will prevent them from receiving any awards, being promoted, being sent to any schools, etc. There's a number of things which can get a soldier flagged and barred. The most common ones are APFT failure and not meeting the height/weight requirements - in both instances, the flag and bar are removed once the soldier is again compliant.
Yes and no. If you are underweight and not healthy, then that's a problem. If you are healthy and have no issues according to your doctor, being underweight shouldn't be a problem. I am underweight by twenty pounds, and I have no issues besides ability to fight colds, but hey, don't we all?
It may be prevented by being underweight.
You can't it is automatically flagged by Litterbot.
no you should be average about 115
Being underweight is (most of the time) due to hormonal or adrenal issues. However some people are just naturally skinny or underweight, and they can't seem to do anything about it. It's best to get medical advice from a professional for someone who doesn't have a healthy weight in general, to see what their options are.
If they're flagged for APFT failure, you can give them one as often as needed, although you can only use quarterly APFT failures against them.
click the link. [don't worry about it being flagged.]
Being flagged by Western Union means that the company has identified your transaction as potentially suspicious or risky, leading them to investigate further before allowing the transfer to go through.