Yes and no. If you are underweight and not healthy, then that's a problem. If you are healthy and have no issues according to your doctor, being underweight shouldn't be a problem. I am underweight by twenty pounds, and I have no issues besides ability to fight colds, but hey, don't we all?
Being underweight is bad...... (Said no man ever)
Nope, that's a pretty good average healthy bmi
According to the BMI standards, you are underweight if you have a BMI value below 18.5. Therefore, you are slightly underweight, so it wouldn't hurt to gain some weight. However, you are not extremely underweight, so you should not worry very much as long as you feel healthy.
My mom is underweight cause she extrasises
There have always been underweight people.
People might be lying to you about your weight so you won't feel bad.
It depends on your height if that is underweight or overweight.
no your not underweight you about the right size
Approximately 1.7% of U.S. adults are underweight.
There is no such thing as an underweight lab; this is a trick question.
For overweight there are not that many disadvantages compared to underweight, however obese has much worse things then overweight, but being underweight is very bad compared to obese. Overweight simply points out you are either a little stronger then others and you probably are fat, or just fatter then most kids your age. Underweight means you have too little fat, and one major result is getting cold very fast. Obese simply makes it official-your fat, and your activity in this area would most likely not be too high. I know there is much more to this, you will have to search wikianswers for more on obese, overweight, and underweight :(