Not always but Yes. If it hits a vital spot.
Never point an air gun at another person.
It's always dangerous to shoot someone with a C02 air gun. Yes it is passable to injure or kill someone in the right circumstances.
It is really easy to kill someone just shoot them in the head with a gun and then rape them.
Not likely, but it could. You could kill someone by throwing a rock at them. Worked for Goliath.
The Crosman C31 is a CO2 powered BB gun. In general, a BB gun does not have enough energy to kill a person. However, as a matter of general principle, it is not a good idea to shoot AT anyone with a BB gun, pellet gun, or a bazooka.
No it won't fire, Co2 is the power source that power the gun.
Some safety requirements when using a CO2 Airsoft gun include making sure that all parts are screwed on tightly and to aim away from any other person's face. As CO2 guns usually produce more power than a BB gun, it is important not to blind someone using the gun.
Anything is possible.
Someone could hit you in the head with it i guess.
Read the directions for YOUR gun. CO2 does not explode, but may leak down.
It could be used as a blunt object, or it might fall or be dropped from enough of a height it could kill someone by hitting them, but an unloaded gun won't kill someone by shooting them. All the same, you ALWAYS treat a gun as if it's loaded and keep it pointed in a safe direction.