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Yes. ANY caliber gun can actually kill a person, but some calibers are more efficient at doing it.

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Q: Can a 45 caliber kill you?
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Can a 45 bullet kill you?

Yes, any bullet of any caliber can be lethal.

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Can a 40 caliber pellet gun kill a deer?

If you are talking about a PCP (PreCharged Pneumatic) rifle. With a .45 caliber pellet, then "Yes" It can. I don't believe there is a 40 Caliber pellet gun.

What caliber is a M1911?

.45 caliber

What does the colt 45 revolver do?

It's main purpose is to fire a .45 caliber bullet which, in turn, will kill or wound any one who happens to be its' line of fire.

Is Ak-47 caliber bigger than a 45 caliber?

No. The AK-47 fires the 7.62x39mm round, which is of the .30 caliber, smaller than the .45 caliber.

What is a bigger bullet 45 caliber or 357?

The .45 caliber is bigger in diameter. If you mean weight. The .45 caliber is generally heavier. However there are some lightweight .45 caliber bullets that are lighter than .357 caliber bullets. Generally speaking .45 caliber bullets weigh between 180 - 230 grains. While .357 caliber bullets generally weigh between 158 - 180 grains. If you are talking about diameter, the .357 caliber bullets are approximately 0.357 inches in diameter. The .45 caliber is approximately 0.450 inches in diameter. Again, using this measure, the .45 caliber is the larger bullet.

What is the use of grip safety on 45 caliber?

What is the use of grip safety on 45 caliber pistol?

What caliber is a Thompson machine gun?

a .45 caliber.

Is an m16 a 45 caliber weapon?

Noop. an M16 fires a 5.56mm (or .223 caliber) bullet. A .45 caliber shoots a bullet that is ~11.43mm.

Is a 45 a handgun?

Probably. It would likely refer to a handgun that fires a .45 caliber ACP, or .45 GAP or an older .45 caliber revolver round.

Which is wore powerful a 45 caliber or a 44 caliber?

Depends on which 45 and which 44 chambering you are talking about the load