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.45 caliber

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Q: What caliber is a M1911?
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What is a M1911?

The M1911 is the military designation for John M. Browning's .45 caliber automatic pistol. He was employed by Colt Firearms, so the patent gives credit to Colt for this firearm.

What year did the colt M1911 come into service?

The Colt M1911 pistol entered service with the United States Army on March 29th, 1911. The Navy and Marines later adopted the pistol in 1913. Its formal designation was Automatic Pistol, Caliber .45, M1911.

What is the age and value of a M1911 A1 US army 45 caliber pistol serial?

age of the military 1911 is based on serial number................

What is age and value of US Army 45 caliber M1911 serial 1221345?

your pistol was made by Ithaca Company in 1943. Value depends on overall condition...

How many different calibers does the colt m1911 have?

The Colt M1911 and the colt M1911A has only 1 caliber .45 or 45/100 of an inch. This round is also known as the colt .45 A.C.P. (all Colt pistols) It is a short round which differs from the .45 long round.

When was the colt m1911 made?

The Colt M1911 was designed 1911.

Who the inventor of m1911?

The Colt M1911 pistol was invented by John Browning(1855-1926).

When was M1911 invented?

John M. Browning began working on, revising and perfecting the .45 caliber automatic pistol for the US military in the early 1900's. The first version was adopted for military use in 1911.

Will a tokarev holster fit a colt m1911?

Not properly - the TT-33 is a full 5 centimeters longer than the M1911.

What infantry weapons did the allies use in the assault of Normandy?

BAR (Browning Automatic), Thompson Submachine gun. .45 caliber Colt m1911 pistol, M1 Garand, Sten, Bren (both of which are british) , Lee-Enfield, M1A1 Carbine.

Is the TSD Tactical-601 Blowback M1911 fully automatic?

Yes, the TSD Blowback-601 M1911 is fully automatic and it uses co2.

What is the best 45acp caliber pistol?

It's subjective, and a matter of opinion. Some people will swear by the Colt M1911 all day long, others praise Kimber (in spite of their use of MIM internals). Personally, I'm partial to the Sig P220.