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If he is homosexual and you are also then as long as you are over the age of consent for gay sex then yes. If there is no sex involved then yes anyway but it would be better if you found someone your own age.

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10mo ago

No, it is not legal for a 17-year-old to date a 32-year-old in most places, as it may violate age of consent laws and can be considered inappropriate due to the significant age gap and power dynamics involved. It is important to prioritize relationships that are legal, safe, and consensual.

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Q: Can a 17 year old boy date a 32 year old man?
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Can a 43 year gay man sleep with a 16 year old gay man?

No, a 43-year-old engaging in any sexual activity with a 16-year-old is illegal and considered statutory rape due to the significant age difference. It is important to respect age of consent laws and ensure that all sexual interactions are consensual and legal.

Can a 60 year old man make 28 year old girl pregnant?

Yes, it is biologically possible for a 60-year-old man to impregnate a 28-year-old woman as long as both individuals are fertile and able to conceive. Age alone does not determine fertility in men.

Can a 18 year old man get dreads?

Yes, an 18-year-old man can get dreads if he chooses to. Dreadlocks can be styled by anyone regardless of age, as long as they have the hair length and texture suitable for the style.

What age is too young for a 40 year old man?

It is generally considered inappropriate for a 40-year-old man to date someone who is significantly younger than 18, as this would be illegal and unethical. Age gaps that are too large can also lead to power imbalances and unequal relationships. It is important to consider legal and ethical boundaries when it comes to age differences in relationships.

Can a 40 year old date a 18 year old in tx?

In Texas, the age of consent is 17, so it is legal for a 40-year-old to date an 18-year-old. However, there are still societal norms and ethical considerations to take into account when considering a relationship with such a significant age difference. It's important to consider factors such as maturity, power dynamics, and societal perceptions.

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No, a 19 year old boy is not a boy and at the age of 18 he is no longer considered a minor, but a man and if he dated an 11 year old girl her parents could press Statutory Rape charges against him which he well would deserve.

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it depends on how old he is if in 20ies no that would be bad

Can a 18 year old man date a 32 year old woman?

An 18 year old man can date a 32 year old women but they would have nothing in common.

How do you know if a 26 year old boy really likes an 18 year old?

Number one a 26 year old man is NOT a boy. He is an adult. The 18 year old is just become an adult. I would suggest that if you need to ask this question you are not old enough to date someone 26.

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they sure can!!!!

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Would Nick Jonas date a 8 year old boy?

not a boy no

In IDAHO is it illegal to date a 21 year old man if you are 17 year old Girl?

It is legal to date a 21 year old man if you are a 17 year old girl. It is not legal to engage in certain activities with a 21 year old man as he could be prosecuted.

Can a 28 year old man and a 16 year old lass have a relationship?

It is illegal for a 16 year old to date a 28 year old man!