

Best Answer

Y E S,!

• you only need a consent form filled out by your

parents saying they have ginen permission for you to get your

tounge pierced!

♥ im 14 and i have mine hurts alot too

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Q: Can a 12 year old get a tongue pierced?
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Where is the best place for a 12 year old to have their ears pierced?

No where. You're 12!

How does a 12 year old kiss his girlfriend?

By sticking his tongue in her gob

Is it wrong for a 12 year old to have their belly button pierced?

No its notwrong for a 12 year old to have there belly pierced your only young once but that's mostly up to the parents

How old do boys have to be to get there ears pierced?

I think about 12

Can 12 year olds get there lip pierced with a parent?

yeah obv you can be 6 and get it pierced gorshh :L

What size is a tongue ring when pierced?

The size of the barbell depends solely on the size of the tongue being pierced and the selection is generally done by the professional body piercer at the time of the piercing. Be smart see a professional body piercer.

How much does it cost to get your belly button pierced in London and can a 12-year-old have it done?

you can get your belly peirced if your 12 but only with parental guidence and it generally costs about $20.00

How old was Bill Kaulitz when he got his eyebrow pierced?

About 11 or 12

How old do you have to be to get your ears pierced higher up?

12 1/2

How do i make my 12 year old boyfriend to kiss me but not tongue kissing im only 12?

tell him that you're just not ready yet...he should understand

How and when should I kiss my 12-year-old boyfriend when you are his first girlfriend and I dated his brother?

use tongue. it's more personal.

Should my daughter who is 12 years old get her ears pierced?

Well yes, you have to have a parent or guardian to sign the forums and conditions before piercing.