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no cuz your family

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Q: Can I date my uncle's step son?
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Related questions

What is your uncles son to you?

Your uncle's son is your first cousin.

What does it mean to be the third son of the third son of the third son?

It means you have (or had) at least two uncles and at least two great-uncles, and that is all it means.

What will be my uncles'son of mine?

your uncles son is your cousin

What is your relationship to your uncles son?

His great uncle

What do you call my husbands uncles son?

Your cousin in law

Fathers uncles relationship to his son?

great uncle

What is the feminine word for step-son?

The feminine word for step-son is step-daughter.

What is the smallest number of family members needed to have two uncles and two nephews in the same room?

>Two: If two men marry each other's mother they automatically become >half brothers, and if they each have a son, then the other one's son >is automatically nephew and uncle! This answer is right, if you do not distinguish between full brothers, half brothers and step brothers, precisely full uncles and nephews, half uncles and nephews and step uncles and nephews. (If my stepfather married my stepdaughter, I am my own grandfather?) If not, the answer "Three" will be right. Three: 1. Old uncle e.g. Scrooge McDuck 2. Old nephew = young uncle e.g. Donald Duck 3. Young nephew = e.g. Dewey Duck

What is a synomyn for family?

# relatives # friends # siblings # parents # grandparents # aunts-uncles # step -------

What is my step son but my father to me?

Your step son can be your father if he was previously married to your mother, making him your step father.

Is billy rays Cyrus son trace is step son?

yes trace is billy step son

A fathers son a mothers son but not a son who am I?

Step son?