

Best Answer

it depends if you want to you can but my opinion is that you shouldn't because if would be point less to Ido Hope this works thanks for all the sweet questions.........................:)...

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Q: Can I Start birth control pill halfway through cycle?
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What happens halfway through the birth canal?

Halfway through the birth canal there are contraction that leads to the baby being pushed out.

Your period ended today so when can you start birth control?

You can start your birth control the Sunday after your period.

What day should you start taking your birth control?


Can you start birth control during your period?

Yes you can start birth control while on your period. Usually your doctor will tell you to start on a Sunday so it's easier to remember when you first started your pack.If you get your period on the Sunday you start you still start on birth control.

How long after you start taking birth control pills will you breast start growing?

Birth control pills do not make your breasts grow.

What if you start birth control one week after period?

If you are not having sex/unprotected sex, you can start your birth control whenever you want.

What is the best way to get pregnant on birth control?

Get off the birth control would be the place to start...

Can you Start birth control on the first day of your period?

Yes; if you start birth control on the first day of your period, you'll have immediate protection.

How do you change your birth control cycle?

Continue through the break then break the week before you wish to start the new cycle.

How quick can you get pregnant when you start birth control?

Birth control is designed to prevent pregnancy, not help you get pregnant.

What year did birth control start?


Should my period start the first day after I am through the hormone pills in a birth control pack?

Hi, Your question is: Should my period start the first day after I am through the hormone pills in a birth control pack?Not necessarily no. Your period will arrive anytime during the 7 days when your on the placebo pills or not taking any pills.