No, scientifically charcoal will not "get rid of THC" which is actually very hard to do. Charcoal cannot flush or mask marijuana in a urine test.
Most schemes to pass a marijuana test will either dilute the urine or mask it with chemicals so the sample passes a quick stick test. This does not do much good if they send the sample to a lab for further processing.
I can't see how they would help with any part of the process. They would not cover THC being released in urine from the blood stream. And they cannot absorb THC from the lipid tissue while the charcoal is merely in your stomache. I'd say charcoal tablets are bunk.
Saltpeter, charcoal, sulfur. THC
No. Time gets rid of THC.
no if u want to get rid of THC you must find a fat burning substance
Charcoal tablets may help with diarrhea by absorbing toxins in the digestive tract and reducing inflammation. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before using charcoal tablets, as they may interfere with medication absorption and cause constipation as a side effect.
No, activated charcoal does not remove THC from the blood. THC is stored in fat cells and can only be metabolized and eliminated from the body over time. Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated can help speed up the process of THC elimination.
There are none. Nor any other method for that matter. The only way to get rid of THC is to get rid of the disgusting drug habit.
There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that activated charcoal pills can effectively eliminate THC from your system. THC is mainly metabolized by the liver and slowly eliminated from the body over time. Staying hydrated, exercising, and maintaining a healthy diet are more effective ways to help speed up the process of eliminating THC from your system.
Of course
no , stop watching manswers.