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No, a 9-year-old girl cannot engage in sexual intercourse. In most countries, the legal age of consent is between 16 and 18 years old, and engaging in sexual activity with a minor is illegal and considered child abuse. Additionally, a 9-year-old child is not physically or emotionally mature enough to engage in sexual intercourse, and it is important to protect children from any form of sexual exploitation or abuse.

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16y ago

If she uses enough lubrication a 9 year old girl can have sexual intercourse.

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Can a 9 year old girl have intercourse?

Yes, but it's probably unwise.

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Not as such, provided there is no sexual intercourse involved in the relationship.

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NO ! They need to have intercourse for pregnancy to be possible. Kissing has never got a girl pregnant.

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No, they could be prosecuted also.

Can a 16 year old girl have intercourse with a 22 year old man in Michigan?

Yes since the age of consent is 16 unless the 22yo is a figure of authority, then it's 18.

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What are the laws in Florida if an 18 year old boy is having intercourse with a 15 year old girl?

According to the Age of Consent law for Florida, it would be illegal for an 18 year old to have sex with a 15 year old girl. In the state of Florida it is illegal for any adult (which is 18 years old) to have sex with anyone under 18.

If a ten year old boy sleeps with a nine year old girl is the girl still a virgin?

Virginity is a social and cultural construct that typically refers to someone who has not engaged in sexual intercourse. Sleeping in the same bed or room does not necessarily mean that sexual activity has occurred. Therefore, without additional information about the nature of their interaction, it cannot be definitively determined whether the girl is still a virgin. It is important to approach such situations with sensitivity and prioritize the well-being and safety of the children involved.

Is it illegal for a 12 year old girl to makeout with a 19 year old boy?

It is legal, but in most places it will be illegal to have intercourse with this person. So be careful, because they will eventually want to go further with you.

Can a 17 year old girl have intercourse with a 22 year old man in Alabama?

The age of consent is 16 in Alabama. There won't be any issues legally.