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Depends on the alcohol content, how quickly it was consumed and the physical size of the drinker. Interestingly, research has indicated that the amount of alcohol required to have physical manifestations of drunkeness in teens is much higher than that of just because your kid is not acting "drunk" he could still be well lit. This explains why the parents of teen alcoholics nearly never know about it until it is too late.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

It depends on the condition of your liver and whether or not you are an experienced drinker. In either case, about four drinks will cause impairment. However, if you are an experienced drinker you may not notice the difference. That does not mean that you are not impaired.

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βˆ™ 15y ago could become an alcoholic; besides drinking age is 21

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βˆ™ 11y ago

i,am 5,10 wieght 265 how many beers do i need to drink to be .09.45

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βˆ™ 12y ago


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Q: Can 4 beers get a boy who is 15 drunk?
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If you drank 4 beers in an hour and a half can you drive?

No- unless you want to get arrested for drunk driving.

What is the amount of beers it takes a person to get drunk?

a 6 pack of beer FAMILY FEUD: 3 4 5 6 7 10 12

How many beers does it takes to get tipsy?

it really depends on how high the alcohol percentage is in the drink and also your tolerance to the drink. a woman probably about 4-5 men probably 5-6 it also depends what you mean by 'drunk'

How long do two 24 oz beers stay in system of a 145 pound person?

That is the equivalent of 4 normal beers. It would take over 4 hours for your body to metabolize that amount of alcohol. And you would most likely be legally drunk for the first two hours. If it is a high alcohol content it will take longer.

How many beers in 3 hours is considered legally drunk?

The number of beers it takes to become legally drunk can vary depending on factors such as weight, metabolism, and tolerance. In general, for most people, consuming 4-5 standard beers in 3 hours would likely result in a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) above the legal limit of 0.08%. It is always best to avoid driving if you have consumed any amount of alcohol.

What is the record for most beers drunk in one day by one person?

The Guinness World Record for most beers consumed in one day by one person is held by Andre Drechsler, who drank 237.6 liters (around 63 gallons) of beer on August 4, 2007. This feat took place during a beer festival in Germany.

Is Woodchuck cider a girly drink?

No. In fact Woodchuck is higher in alcohol content than most beers. Hard cider was drunk by many people in the colonial period including Ben Franklin. Well, Woodchuck is at 4% Alcohol, most of the light beers are between 4% and 5%. I think that Ben Franklin was probably drinking something a little stronger than 4%. Ace Ciders start at 5% and go up to 6.9%.

What alchol has only 4 percent in it?

Usually beers/ales are ~4%

When was Stanley Van Beers born?

Stanley Van Beers was born on May 4, 1911, in London, England, UK.

How many beers can brian finish before Michael gets there?


What is the Alcohol content in grain belt premium beer?

It's the same as all regular American lagers, in the upper 4% range. Light beers are barely 4%, ice beers are upper 5%.

How many beers equal a half pint of Jim Beam?

A half pint of Jim Beam is equivalent to about 10 to 12 beers in terms of alcohol content.