NO. .22LR is smaller in diameter than .22 Magnum, and is likely to split the cartridge case, and accuracy will be very poor.
.22 mag and .22 LR are not the same. So, no.
You will spend more than the firearm is worth. Try
1959- but the first firearm to shoot it went into production in 1960.
1959- but the first firearm to shoot in went into production in 1960.
About $50. The RG is generally a low cost firearm of questionable quality.
These sell for between $350-$450. NO- 22 LR ammo cannot safely be fired in a .22 magnum rifle. The .22 magnum case is larger in diameter as well as longer. The .22 LR cartridge case will split.
just the cylinder change
No. Not only is the .22 magnum more powerful, it is longer, and LARGER in diameter. It will not chamber in a .22 LR firearm. There are a few revolvers that aremade with 2 different cylinders- one in 22 LR, one in 22 Mag, that can be swapped- but the cartridges themselves cannot be used interchangeably. A .22 Long Rifles actual bullet is smaller than a magnum,not to mention the case diameter.So you wont be able to chamber a .22 Mag in a .22 LR...A .22 LR will chamber in a .22 Mag but due to the case diameter it will possibly split(possibly injuring the person shooting the gun,or damaging the firearm),and the bullet rattles around for about 3" in most gun barrels before it stabilizes,causing leading,premature barrel wear,and loss of accuracy...Dont Try It!!!
Some revolvers are capable of firing both cartridges, simply by replacing the cylinder. Not all revolvers can do this, however. As for a dedicated .22LR firearm not fed from a cylinder, the answer is going to be no.
Not safely. The 22 lr is a slightly smaller case dimension, so it'll split in the cambe of a 22 mag gun, and vent gas out the back.
need picture of Iver Johnson 22 mag riffer need picture of Iver Johnson 22 mag riffer need picture of Iver Johnson 22 mag riffer need picture of Iver Johnson 22 mag riffer need picture of Iver Johnson 22 mag riffer need picture of Iver Johnson 22 mag riffer need picture of Iver Johnson 22 mag riffer need picture of Iver Johnson 22 mag riffer need picture of Iver Johnson 22 mag riffer
.22 Mag only.