It depends. If you have gotten your period or have had intercourse, then yes. If not, then no.
Of course. 12 is a child. A lot of 12 yr olds dont even have their period yet.
not very likely but 10% of American 12 year olds do get preagnet
They dont. Unless your name is Justin.
6th or 7th grade
I think 12 years old should be called "child"
It depends on your birthday. But 12 years is 105,189 hours.
All the 12 year olds I know are 110-90
11 years oldI thought it was 13.
5 years play it
Yes they can. Many 12 and 13 year olds have been pregnant and have given birth to children.
A Tween is 11-12 years old. A pre-TWEEN is 9-10 years old. Ten year olds are immature, so they are not classified as tweens. Eleven year olds are mature and so are twelve year olds.