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Q: Best short range gun
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What is the best gun to save on modern warfare 3 after prestiging?

I would recommend the PP90M1 if you're looking for short range or the ACR 6.8 if you want medium/long range.

What is the best gun in battlefield heroes?

they are all equal so ti depends what ur good at short range fast fireing or both middle or long range slow fireing

Why a sniper a best long range gun?

cause it has scopes

What is the best gun in Call of Duty?

Ump45 easy kills medium range.Acr long short medium range poweful.intervention , awesome for sniping and M240 is an all rounder probably the best guns for primary.

What is the best self defense hand gun In the 200-300 dollar range?

The Mossberg 500 series is the best self defense hand gun in the 200 to 300 dollar range.

Where can you shoot a hand gun?

At a shooting range is usually the best choice.

Is pp90m1 the best gun in mw3?

Of course, it is the best gun for close combat.Just put range and extended mag because it runs out of ammo fast.

What is the range of a Marlin 4570 rifle?

The 45/70 is best kept in the 0-150 yard range out of a lever gun.

Which firearm has the shortest maximum range?

That is a little difficult to answer because range and accuracy aren't a function of just the gun only, but a combination of the gun and cartridge you are firing. In general, it will be a small handgun with a short barrel. Very generally speaking, handguns have a shorter range than rifles, and small, short barrelled handguns have even less range. Most small pocket guns are hard to shoot accurately beyond 10 or 15 yards. Probably overall, it will be a derringer, which is a small gun that has a very short barrel (1 inch or less sometimes).

What is the best black ops 2 gun?

Cqb, scorpion evo. medium range, m27, or Fal, long range, Dsr, all these guns are the best in their categories.

Do you have to have a gun license to go to a shooting range?

Depends on where the gun range is.

What is the best primary gun in battlefield 3?

The best primary gun witch most people use is the F2000 because of its mid-range dominance, lack of recoil and damage. You can only use this gun in the assault class.