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Home pregnancy tests measure the level of HCG in your urine. HCG is produced only after conception and doubles in strength every day during your first couple of months. Most tests will only begin to pick up the HCG at the time your period is due. It will be very faint as your levels are very low then. The line will become darker as the pregnancy pregresses. A very faint positive line will usually mean you are pregnant. This colour will darken if you take the test again in about a week's time.

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Q: Before you missed your periods if you have taken a pregnancy home test and if the positive line on the test strip is very light in colour does that mean your pregnant or not?
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Depends. Why aren't you having periods? A period is not necessary for pregnancy. Some women are "constantly" pregnant; that is they get pregnant after each birth before they have a period. (Each period is the result of not getting pregnant.)

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This can be confusing! The first week of pregnancy is actually considered to be the day of your last menstrual period, before you are technically even pregnant! You are actually two weeks pregnant when conception occurs, and generally four weeks pregnant before you can get a positive pregnancy test!

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if you have a period, you are not pregnant. don't, YOLO, be safe and use a condom.

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Most probably YES

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