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No. You can get pregnant before, during and after your period.

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Q: Are you more likely to get pregnant right after your period is over?
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Related questions

What day of your period can you get pregnant?

You can get pregnant at any time but you are more likely to get pregnant 14 days after your period

Are you more likely to get pregnant at the beginning of your period or right before?

If those are the only two options it's right before. But you can get pregnant every other day incl your period. It's rare but happens, especially at the end of it.

Your period is just finishing- how likely is it that you are pregnant?

You need to explain more of the circumstances that make you think you may be pregnant.

Is it true that if you dont think too much about getting pregnant when your trying for a baby that you are more likely to get pregnant?

No. You are more likely to get pregnant by having sex when you are ovulating. This usually is in the middle of your cycle, about 2 weeks after your period.

Is it true that when a female has her period and drinks alcohol her period goes away?

Only to the extent that when she drinks she is more likely to get pregnant.

Are women fertile after menstruation?

Immediately after menstruation it is possible to get pregnant. It is even possible to get pregnant during menstruation, though very very very unlikely. It is always possible for a woman to get pregnant as long as she has a healthy, pre-menopausal, post-pubescent, fully functioning uterus and is having sex with a man in a similar situation. However, women are more likely to get pregnant right before their period and less likely to unlikely to get pregnant during or after their period.

You got your period but you are throwing up after sex are you pregnant?

9 times out of 10 YES! you ARE more than likely pregnant. get a test done!

Can you get pregnant on her period?

It is possible but does not happen often. Its more likely to happen to a girl who's periods are irregular.

Can you period get you pregnant?

It is possible but does not happen often. Its more likely to happen to a girl who's periods are irregular.

Can you get preganent while your on your period?

yes, it is very possible, you are just as able to get pregnant when on your period as you are before and after ovulation! (you are more likely during ovulation)

Can a women get pregnant even if she isn't her on period?

Yes, you can get pregnant at anytime during your cycle, though some times are more likely than others.

Tubes tied and burnt for 22 years missed period age 50 am i pregnant?

Menopause more likely.