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Could be either. Just wait it out and see whether you get your period. If you don't, take a test

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Q: Are tinging nipples a sign of pregnancy or pms or what?
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Are sore and swollen nipples just a sign of PMS?

That can be sign of pregnancy or PMS. All women are different.

You are expecting your period in a week and your nipples have become darker and you have been nauseous for 3 days is this a sign of PMS or pregnancy?

This could be a sign of pms or pregnancy. The only way to be sure is take a test!

Why do you have sore nipples and on your period?

Yes it can be or a sign your soap is irritating your nipples or bra is rubbing against your nipples, etc.

If you have sore nipples should you be concerned or is this normal?

It can sometimes be a sign of pregnancy, PMS or nothing. They can be sore because they just are. I experience sore nipples whenever I am about to start my period and when I start PMSing. I have heard it is a sign you are pregnant as well.

Are sore stinging nipples a symptom of pregnancy or PMS?

It can be a symptom of both.

Is having the worst PMS ever a possible sign of pregnancy?

Yes, PMS can also be a sign of pregnancy providing you haven't got your period. Do a pregnancy test.

Is it a sign of pregnancy or PMS if you get cramps a week before your period is due?

definatly sign of pms ____ You CAN and SHOULD never say it is definitely a sign of this or that since it may be a sign of other things,like pregnancy,stomach upset etc,....

Is it a sign of pregnancy if the sides of your beasts are really sore and your nipples itch a lot a week prior your period is due?

I think so -------------- Not necessarily. The breast soreness and itching are just one of the many forms of PMS.

Are hard nipples a sign of menopause?

Its possible yes but you need to also rule out pregnancy & a hormonal imbalance.

Are sore breasts a reliable sign of pregnancy?

That is a sign of pregnancy, but it can also be a symptom of PMS. Wait until you are late and take a home pregnancy test or go see a doctor now. Breast tenderness isn't a sure sign of pregnancy.

You have back pain your stomach feels bloated what does this mean?

Could be an early sign of pregnancy, or PMS

Why are your nipples sore and your stomach hurts when you sneeze you have took a pregnancy test and it was negative?

You're ovulating. Sounds like completely normal pms symptoms.