Ya know what? Just ask your mom. Seriously, I'm 15 and I never would of thought my mom would let me get a tattoo, but I asked her. All the time, and then I said it would be an Easter gift, Grading gift and Birthday gift. Then she finally decided that It would be a grading gift if I got a 80 + average. Just try and negotiate. Because, theres no place that will do it without parental consent. And if there is, they are careless, and they might not be clean. So, just ask your mom. If she says no, wait three years. It's not that long. Hope I helped :) <3
In most tattoo parlors you have to be 18 in order to get a tattoo without parent consent.
Once you turn 18 yes - prior to that age, no.
I know most tattoo parlors there will tattoo a 17 year old with parents PRESENT. Some will do 16 year olds with parents PRESENT. but written consent doesn't mean much when it can be forged.
I'm not your parent and I'm telling you, don't get a tattoo when you're 14.I dont know for sure which ones will, but if your sure you want a tattoo; it is your body nobody can stop you.New Answer:I think any tattoo parlor would let you get one IF you have a PARENT with you and they are willing to sign .
If you are eighteen years old, or if you have a parent or guardian with you, most tattoo parlors will let you get one.
It is illegal for a minor to get a tattoo with or without parent consent in North Carolina.
Seriously? Haha. No. That's not possible
You must be 18 to get a tattoo in Georgia. Parental consent does not change this.
When going to get a piercing/ tattoo you are asked to sign a contract. In Missouri anyone under the age of 18 can not sign a contract therefore you cant get a piercing/' tattoo unless your parent/guardian is there to sign and can prove they are your parent/guardian.
Yes! I am 17 and have two. There is a place in crystal minnesota called ace tattoo. They do a great job! All you need is your parent.
There are parental consent laws for a reason. At 14 years old you are not mature enough to make a lifelong decision about a (possibly) tacky piece of art you will have permanently etched into your skin. Take that from a mom who got a few tattoos at a young age. Respect your parents, and their wishes. They do it FOR you. But you won't understand that until you have children of your own. Take care.
I belive that in any state but ohio you have to be 18 years of age