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6 months - 20 years or more in jail with the exception of the very first offense for under 50 grams which is usually one year of probation.

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9mo ago

As of February 2021, possession of up to six ounces of marijuana for personal use is legal for individuals aged 21 and over in New Jersey. However, distribution and sale of marijuana without a license is still illegal and can result in criminal charges.

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Q: Are there any charges for marijuana in NJ?
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The laws of marijuana in texas?

In Texas, marijuana is illegal for recreational use and possession of any amount can result in criminal charges. Medical use of marijuana is restricted to a low-THC cannabis oil for specific medical conditions. Possession of even small amounts of marijuana can lead to fines, imprisonment, and a criminal record in Texas.

Is selling marijuana a Misdemeanor or a felony?

Selling marijuana can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the quantity, location, and circumstances of the sale. Generally, selling small amounts of marijuana may result in misdemeanor charges, while selling larger quantities or repeating offenses may lead to felony charges.

What is the Marijuana law in Texas?

In Texas, marijuana is illegal for recreational use. Possession of any amount can result in criminal charges, with penalties ranging from a fine to incarceration depending on the amount possessed. Medical use of low-THC cannabis is allowed for certain qualifying conditions, but the program is limited in scope.

How much weed do you have to have on you to get arrested in pa?

In Pennsylvania, possession of any amount of marijuana is illegal and can result in arrest. The penalties vary based on the amount possessed, ranging from a summary offense for small amounts to misdemeanor or felony charges for larger quantities. It is advisable to refrain from possessing any amount of marijuana to avoid legal issues.

Is it a crime to mail marijuana?

Yes, it is a crime to mail marijuana as it is illegal under federal law in the United States. Mailing marijuana is considered a federal offense and can result in criminal charges and penalties.

Related questions

How much marijuana can you get caught with to receive federal charges?

Even the littlest amount of marijuana is illegal, if your seen with any marijuana at all you with be put with federal charges.

Is medical marijuana legal in New Jersey?

Possession of marijuana is illegal in New York. If you are arrested for charges relating to possession of marijuana, the penalties you face will often depend on the amount of marijuana in your possession and the intended use. It's best to be safe and enjoy your trip without taking any chances with marijuana.

Statute of limitations for possession of marijuana in the state of NJ?

What is the statuate of limitations on misdemeanor possession of parphernalia in NJ

Can you become a police officer in NJ with a misdemeanor marijuana charge?

Many departments allow those who have misdemeanor charges, but they have to have happend in a certain time period. The best way to know is look at the hiring requirements of the agency.

Can you be arrested for small amount of marijuana in little falls NJ?


What is NJ penal code 24 21-20A4?

24:21-20a4 is the old NJ Statute for possesion of marijuana.

When will the state of Georgia legalize recreational marijuana?

When the state decides to remove the Marijuana-related criminal charges from the statutes.

If you live in NJ and have chronic tendonitis in both of your hips is it possible to get medical marijuana?

not yet

The laws of marijuana in texas?

In Texas, marijuana is illegal for recreational use and possession of any amount can result in criminal charges. Medical use of marijuana is restricted to a low-THC cannabis oil for specific medical conditions. Possession of even small amounts of marijuana can lead to fines, imprisonment, and a criminal record in Texas.

What are the legal penalties for Hashish?

Depends on where you live, but the penalties are similar to marijuana charges

Can you be arrested if you have no marijuana in NJ?

Yes of course not for pot but anything else illegal, you may have done.

Can I buy a gun in PA with a misdemeanor marijuana charge in NJ from 20 years ago?

In PA you can