Being drunk, mal-coordinated, etc yes.
Liver damage, brain damage, beer belly, no.
Drink socially, not for the sake of it.
For the same reasons that any other drug is misused. For the temporary effects they give. Unfortunately many, including alcohol, are addictive and the side effects can be cumulative and debilitating.
Certain types of alcohol, like caffeinated alcoholic beverages or those with higher alcohol content, may give a temporary energy boost. However, it is important to note that alcohol is a depressant and can have negative effects on the body's overall energy levels.
Short term effects are feeling happy. If it is abused, then temporary lethargy and slower reactions occur. However, drinking in moderation is associated with better health and greater longevity than is either abstaining from alcohol or abusing it.
Dizziness, headaches, tiredness and vomiting can be possible effects of abusing alcohol.
effects of drugs,diet,,smoking,alcohol on the body
Narcotics, barbiturates and tranquilizers, all depressants, have similar effects. For that reason, they should never be taken with alcohol. The combined effects can be fatal.
The effects of alcohol are a general stimulant of the functions of the brain and body.
Alcohol is a single chemical. It is what affects you.
alcohol effects your immune system and your liver.
Alcohol is a depressant that affects the central nervous system, slowing down brain activity. However, in small amounts, it can initially increase feelings of energy and confidence by lowering inhibitions and releasing dopamine in the brain. This temporary boost in energy is often followed by a crash as the depressant effects of alcohol take over.