there is no definite answer to this question, but in my opinion, no. i believe both genders are just as accident prone as the other. but that is opinion, not fact. hope i helped
I would say so because teenage girls are proven to be more likely to drive a car younger than teenage boys due to their more mature appearance and mental strength. Its also proven that teenage girls drink and drive 18% more than teenage boys. Actually guys are in more accidents because they are more immature then girls and like to show off...girls are more responsible when it comes to that stuff
Teenage girls tend to run away more often then Teenage boys. For every boy that runs away 3 girls do.
First of all teenage boys think constantly about teenage girls. We just want good looks and a smiling face too and style also matters.
theyre afraid of rejection.
teenage girls hurt feelings by talking about people behind their backs teenage boys are more aggresive and physical so it truley depends on what mean your talking about-emotional or physical
Yes they do.
MAybe if they are gay...i am a teenage boy and i like girls
Usually girls but the ones that are normal Not the ones that are snobby and popoular and not the ones that are rude and ugly. This is the same for boys
teenage girls defiantly! Teenage girls are more serious about boys and relationships, also they are to scared to ask for them self so they flirt as a sort of hint! xx the guys are not as flirty because they are bad at it. lol. teenage girls CAN NOT ask a guy out its too uncomfortable.Hope i have been helpful xx :D
Some do and some don't.
Teenage boys and girls get into all kinds of things. Their hormones go wild. Many of them have been caught having sex in the bathroom.