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Abdominal discomfort is common during the first trimester. While it may be harmless, it can also be a sign of a more serious problem. Severe or persistent abdominal pain shouldn't be ignored.

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Q: Are stomach aches normal when pregnant?
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Is it normal for a pregnant woman to have stomach aches?

Stomach aches is not normal but abdominal pains yes it is and only during the first trimester.

What does it mean if I'm thrity weeks pregnant and having stomach and back aches?

Its normal. Your baby is getting bigger and things are stretching and things are being moved around and getting squished.

Im having some serious stomach could it be im pregnant?

There are many reason why you could have stomach aches, just go see a doctor.

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No, it is fine, don't worry about it is normal and the worst bit is stomach aches but you can take pain killers for that.

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Head aches, stomach aches, exzema

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Recently I've been getting stomach aches before my period. Is getting stomach aches before you get your period normal?

Yes it is normal, nothing to worry about, have some ginger drink or ginger jam, it helps not pop. also put a water bottle on your belly and lay on the side for around 10 min. Nothing to worry about, I get it some times.

Your nips are tender and you are bloated tired dizzy stomach aches but you just finshed your p 2 wks ago whats wrong can i be pregnant?

You are probably ovulating