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Q: You are 8 weeks pregnant and your stomach sometimes growls is this normal?
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Is a burning senation normal in 7 months pregnant

Is it normal for a pregnant woman to have stomach aches?

Stomach aches is not normal but abdominal pains yes it is and only during the first trimester.

Is it normal for your stomach to hurt when your pregnant?

Yes, it is very normal to feel nauseous and have cramps during pregnancy. Some women experience morning sickness. This is when you feel very sick in the morning and you sometimes vomit. Relax, this is normal.

Can you hear your stomach growl when your pregnant?

When your stomach wambles (and wambling is when your stomach growls) is just means that the stomach is expanding. There is absolutely nothing wrong. You just ate a little more than normal and your stomach is expanding. Either that, or you are just very hungry.

Is it normal for your stomach to be tender to the touch at 17 weeks' pregnant?

yes, sometimes women experience things like that. Cause i had that problem when i was pregnant. But i was about 22 weeks pregnant. But if it get to bad and it doesnt stop see a doctor. But the main thing that is cause of your stomach is stretching. So try to rub lotion on your tummy.

Is it normal to hear a heartbeat in your stomach when you aren't pregnant?

Yes it is your own.

What causes the stomach to growl?

Stomach growling, also known as borborygmus, is caused by the movement of gas and fluid in the intestines. This movement is a normal part of the digestive process and occurs when the stomach and intestines contract to push food and gas through the digestive system. It is typically louder when the stomach is empty.

You were 5 weeks pregnant when you had abortionand now its 4months later and you have stomach this normal?


Im 8 weeks pregnant and i have pains in stomach is this normal?

It may be normal, but you MUST check it out with your doctor -- call today!

Is it normal for a pregnant dog not to eat?

Sometimes it is. But I recamend calling a vet

Is it normal to have depression while being pregnant?

Yes, it is normal to sometimes feel depressed while pregnant due to the hormonal changes taking place at the time.