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No. Rules are meant to keep you out of trouble.

but some rules are stupid
It depends on the rule.

There is an old maxim that states: "Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the obedience of fools."

Use them to your advantage, break them at your peril.

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Q: Are rules meant to be broken?
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What are rules and are rules meant to be broken?

Rules are guidelines or principles that prescribe boundaries for behavior. While rules are intended to maintain order and promote fairness, there may be situations where they can be challenged or revised if they are perceived as unjust or ineffective. However, breaking rules should be done thoughtfully and with consideration of the consequences.

Who said some rules were meant to be broken?

Haley Longford

Who first said some rules are meant to be broken?

The phrase "some rules are meant to be broken" is commonly attributed to the American writer Douglas MacArthur. MacArthur was a highly decorated general in the United States Army and known for his bold and unconventional leadership style. The quote implies that there are certain situations where it may be necessary or beneficial to disregard established rules or norms in order to achieve a greater good or accomplish a specific goal.

Were promises meant to be broken in relationships?

Promises are never meant to be broken. So no.

How can rules shape relationships?

Rules can be good in a relationship to keep things together but you also need to remember that rules were meant to be bent, not broken! let yourself have a little fun every now and again. too much freedom or too little freedom can destroy a relationship!

What were the punishments for breaking rules in India?

It obviously depends which 'rules' were broken.

What rules of warfare were broken in World War 2?

rules of warfare

What happen when rules are broken?

you get a detention

When is it acceptable to break the rules of grammar while writing?

The rules are flexible and there is no precise definition of when they can be broken. In informal situations it is more likely to see them broken. You can always break the rules when quoting exactly what someone says.

What can be made laid bent and broken but never touched?

Rules, my dear fellow, rules! :D

Will you stay heart broken forever?

no, you won't stay heart broken only if the preson heart broken too that means that you two are meant to be.

What international rules have been broken on cocoa farms?
