

Best Answer

Studies have been conducted which have proved that there are certain hormonal combinations that sway human desires and behaviors to one side. The study showed that all humans have male and female hormones in the beginning developmental stages.

As we develop, one particular type of hormone becomes more dominant and takes over. In some cases, however, it has been proven that the hormones get 'mixed up' and there are males that end up with more female hormones than average and females with more male hormones than average. This is why you will hear some people say that they have always felt that they were born in the wrong body.

There is another study that has been conducted by the Oregon State University where they have studied and experimented on the brains of sheep that have been found to have homosexual tendencies. According to the study, 10% of sheep have homosexual tendencies. The link to this study is provided below.

It is a matter of chance whether or not you are born gay. All fetus' start with the male and female hormones inbuilt. During the growth of the fetus the hormones are increased to build on the gender it has become. Sometimes this process is flawed and the opposite hormone takes precedence for the gender being created. Thus the baby is born being gay. In a similar way to this but in different amounts of the hormones bisexuals are born. This is the most likely explanation to this mystery and is being scientifically investigated. See link regarding human sexual ambiguity at birth provided below.

Abnormalities in sexual development happen in the womb happen every day. There are numerous studies that address human ambiguity at birth, masculinized female infants, abnormal sexual development, sexual dimorphism, hermaphroditism, and infants that cannot be identified at birth as male or female. Homosexuality may be the least pronounced of those irregularities and no one should be demonized for the way they were born. Any person who ignores all the scientific facts and studies about human sexual irregularities and variations at birth is using something else besides their brain to formulate their world views. An online search will reveal thousands of reliable scientific pages available for personal enlightenment on this topic. See related links.

Yes they are, according to many gays and lesbians. Sexual preference is not a conscious choice. Consult: Lady Gaga "Born this Way"

It's a big debate in society today.

Some believe that being gay is something people are born with, and some people believe that being gay is a choice.

No, lesbians, let alone any person regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, do not choose to be gay. Now, to what extent they were born like that, science can only prove, so far, it's not a preference.

This is more of an opinion question. There's no true answer to this but some people believe that gay are born gay, but other believe that gays are influenced buy their surroundings to be gay. Take twins as an example. If one identical twin is gay, then the other is more likely to be gay or bisexual, but there arwe some cases where one twin is gay and the other is straight. This stumps scientists, so the answer hasn't really been figured out yet.

They're born that way, but some people say it's experiences.

Probably some minority is gay because of past experiences.

Current Science's Answer

Current scientific study shows that human sexual attraction is not some binary "male/female" attraction. The current prevalent theory is that humans are hard-wired by genetics to prefercertain genders as sexual partners. However, it also appears that in-utero hormones produced by the mother, and some level of environmental experience also have impact on the final sexual preference of an individual.

Also note that very, very few people are exclusivelyattracted to one gender. That is, only a small part of the population only ever feels attraction to one gender; instead, most people feel varying degrees of attraction for various members of both genders. The expression of this variation is what is mostly culturally controlled - in cultures which there is significant pressure to be "straight" OR "gay", you will seldom seem people who are "mostly-straight" ever express attraction to the same gender, and the opposite is true.

It also appears that certain hormones released by the mother during pregnancy can alter a baby's genetic sexual orientation. The reason this happens is not well understood, nor is why these hormones are released by the mother. Current theory is that general environmental issues (e.g. in instances of overcrowding, more homosexuals are born than when there's plenty of space/resources) may play some part, but we're a long way away from having solid proof of this.

The current scientific viewpoint is that sexual attraction (i.e. sexual orientation) is MOSTLY fixed at birth, but has some natural variation, and that most people are primarily attracted to one gender but have occasional attraction to specific members of the other gender. Environment and culture can alter the expression of this gender attraction, but, for the most part, this alteration is no more "natural" than forcing a left-handed person to write with their right hand.

From a public policy and "general science" standpoint, science states that human sexual orientation is inborn, and not something "chosen".

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Yes, you can be gay if you are born in any year. Gay people have been born every day since the dawn of humanity.

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being gay cannot be abolished. People are just born that way. What you can abolish is hatred and fear of gay people.

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1 in every 100 people are born gay and that applies to gay women as well!

Are people born gay yes or no plain out?

IMO some are born, others just turn gay