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Q: Are men born with gay tenancies or is it choice?
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Im 14 you look at men but you have had past girlfriends are you gay?

Yes , Gay ppl have no choice they're born that way!

Does a gay man have to wear a tuxedo to his wedding?

It's entirely the grooms' choice. Straight men do not have to wear tuxedos and neither do gay men.

Why men are gay?

some say genes some say choice

Why can't men be gay?

They either are or aren't. It's definitely NOT a choice.

Should you be gay or not?

Most gay and lesbian people I know don't think it's a choice -- we were born this way. There is some evidence of a genetic link, but "situational" homosexuality also occurs, for example in prisons. Gay men find other men sexually attractive, exactly the same way heterosexual men find women sexually attractive. This is a reflex action, not something you choose.

Can straight men become gay?

Sexual orientation is a complex aspect of identity that is generally believed to be determined by a combination of genetic, hormonal, environmental, and experiential factors. While it is possible for individuals to experience shifts in their sexual orientation over time, it is not a conscious choice. Therefore, a straight man cannot simply decide to become gay.

Why do straight men become gay?

No straight person becomes gay. Ever. You are either born gay or you aren't.

Real facts on why men become gay?

Here is the only real fact: men cannot become gay. They are born that way.

Why do some men turn gay?

They don't 'turn' gay. No one can turn gay. It's not a choice. Some people come out of the closet after pretending to be straight, and it might seem like they turned gay, but they were actually gay all along.

Why are some men gay?

Current science states that homosexuality is a combination of genetic sequences and chemistry, and not a lifestyle choice.

Are more gay men circumcised?

No, most gay men in the world are not circumcised. Consider the fact that most circumcisions are done before the child reaches adulthood (and in fact, most are babies). How would the parents know what the sexual orientation of their son is?Also, most of the world does not practice circumcision, and gay men make of 3-8% of all men in every society, so most gay men live in places where there is no circumcision.

Are there a lot of gay men born physically handicapped?

No, the number would be the same as with heterosexual men. There is no evidence to suggest that gay men are more susceptible to disease or birth defects.