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Q: Are max and holly going out?
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Does decklyn and holly j get back together?

no now holly j and sav are going out

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Where was buddy holly going when he died?

Moorehead, Minnesota

Is hard core holly going to return?

yes he will

Who is holly valance going out with?

Jonathan Dobson :P

Is Zacky Vengeance going out with Holly?

No, he's going out with Gena Paulhus. Holly is his ex girlfriend. They broke up just before he and Gena started dating 2004.

What was heather on East Enders going to call her baby if it was a girl?

She was going to call it Holly.

Why does looking at Holly on the monitor disturb Artemis?

Holly is so human while Artemis thought she was going to be like an animal.

Did holly beat tanya in badminton?

GANÉ! holly well won. tanya keeps going on about it,. she won't let it go she like beat tanya1000 to nil! lol :) GANÉ! holly well won. tanya keeps going on about it,. she won't let it go she like beat tanya1000 to nil! lol :)

Do you think that Max and Fang are going to get married?

No Max is going out with Tooth behind Fangs back No Max is not. I think that they will get married and have a bunch of little winged children! And there is no one named Tooth.

Is blythe a shreader lad?

blythe is a shreader lad and he is going out with holly o'dea