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Not as far as i know. holly wanted to. and there bugget was running low

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Q: Is there going to be a new charmed season?
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Is there really going to be a new season of charmed with Prue back in?


Is there going to be season 9 of charmed?

No, there will not be a ninth season.

Is there going to be a charmed seaon 9?

No. Charmed ended with season 8.

Is there going to be another episode of charmed?

No, Charmed ended with season 8.

Charmed are they going to make another season?

Sadly not

Is there going to be a season 9 of charmed or a movie?

i doubt it. it is finished

Are producers thinking of a new Charmed season?

Charmed only has 8 seasons, there are no more.

Is their going to be a charmed 9?

No, seaons 8 was the last. Season 7 was going to be the last ever season, hence why the last episode "Something Wicca This Way Goes" was left open. The network decided to air an eighth season though, but season 8 was definitely going to be the final season of Charmed.

Is the cw planning on new seasons of charmed?

No, Charmed ended with season 8 and they don't plan on making new seasons.

Is Their going to be a Season of Charmed Next Generation?

No because the show has ended.

Is there really a season 10 of charmed?

Well, there isn't a season 9 so there isn't going to be a season 10 is there.

What happens in the first season of charmed?

IN the first season of charmed they just get there powers and are learning new spells and potions and how to control their powers better.